Immigration in the United States

Immigration has been around since the beginning of the American years. Immigration rates have drastically changed over time. Many come for job opportunities, education, flee from famine and wars. Migrating to the United States wasn't that easy for many and struggled financially and socially with the white community. Even though many came from different parts of the world, the government had to limit the amount of immigration taking place in the United States. Yet again, the coming on new comers caused a major impact in diversity of culture and ethnicity and labor forces.

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In the past during the industrial revolution, the main cause for immigration were job opportunities. Industrialization, was the development of industries in a country or a region on a wide scale. During this era, America was just starting to revolutionize the working area. Factories started to take place of farming which made industries sell and make their merchandise faster and easier. This couldn't be done by just one person. There had to be many hands in order to make this happen. With the coming on new immigrants seeking jobs, the government chose these people to get the job done. This caused an increase in the United States' economy. Workers such as children, young teens and adults took part of factories and worked about 6-7 days a week (12 or more hours a day). During the years of 1880-1920, employment expanded from 2.5-10 million workers working in factories. In today's present day, many immigrants have expanded to work in different areas in the work force. With new technology coming in and new jobs created, migrants seek new opportunities. Areas such as medical field, fast food restaurants, hotels, office, etc. It is said that about 16% of the labor force is now taken from immigrants since 2010 in the United States.

Image result for tenement housesWhile migrating to the US many  immigrants have struggled with living conditions, neglects and unwelcoming features. During the industrial revolution, it was known that many immigrants lived in really poor living conditions. Many lived in tenement houses which are also known as "row houses". These houses did not have any good quality. Most were messy, unsafe, crowded, small and cheap. Some who didn't have enough money lived in the factories they worked at. There were a lot of discrimination taking place at well. Immigrants were called by "minorities" during this era. They were named this by the white race, which were dominant at the time. Whites believed that their race were the ones who ruled in their country. There were racism going on at this time as well, especially to the colored society. Segregation, a separation of racial groups in a community, was a major obstacle for many blacks. New laws started to conquer in the United States. The Jim Crow Laws was issued in 1838 in order to separate white and black society. There were restrooms, water fountains and classrooms separated for each race to take part in. This was an unlawful unequal for these people. Today, racism still exists just minor. President Trump, for example, had so much hate and disgust against the Hispanic race. He named Mexicans to be "Criminals". This has been a major controversy for months now since his presidential election.

However, these new immigrants coming from different countries bring a new diverse nation. The United States is known for the high amount of diversity and ethnicity around the world. Everyday, we could see a variety of races from Chinese to Hispanic to African. Each culture brings food, traditions and style to the U.S. This helps society learn from different aspects of culture. This is good for our country because it shows how welcoming we area as a whole and how open minded we are. Immigration impacts society a lot when it comes to culture and ethnicity. People can now see a variety of different races and new languages that can be learned as well.

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Overall, immigration had a major impact throughout the United States of America. Even though many thought that it wasn't a good idea, it helped to revolutionize industries, and changed the views of the U.S. Many disagreed and caused drama and unequal treatment to them but today, we see a variety of people coming in to the United States for a change in their lifestyle and economical issues. For most migrants, America was the answer to their problems.


  1. Immigration has defiantly changed a lot over the year. With our current President and his views on immigration do you believe that people would still migrate to America in hopes of "a lifestyle and economical change", considering the new and extreme challenges they would face today?

    1. The new "President" has commented many negative things on immigration. He has tried to enforce new strict laws in order to prevent any more immigration occurring from other countries (especially Mexico). I do believe that many will strive on trying to be successful in their lifestyle and won't let any obstacles take over their hopes of success. The U.S. has a lot to offer to many in those in need.

    2. Be careful with your quotes. Even if you don't agree with him, he is still the serving President. As my momma says, "you can respect the office even if you don't respect the man" :)


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