The Past and the Present

I think the past does affect the present. The actions you take in the past can define your future. It doesn't always happen but in most cases it does. This could be seen in the environment, it can be see in relationships and socially in public. There are many ways it can effect your present and future.
 In the real world, people make decisions everyday. It could be a good decision or a bad decisions they decide to take. It is said that the path you decide to take, defines your future.

There are many ways decisions affect your present. One example could take place during your childhood. Around the world, parents treat their kids differently. Some however, tend to spoil their children at a young age. Some, even when they're children are once born. It is estimated that about 60% of young children are spoiled by their parents. Spoiling can cause some change in behavior and communication. If a child gets spoiled constantly, they will then feel dependent on their parents and not be independent on themselves. Their behavior could also change throughout time. This behavior can lead to your present and make some disrespectful, rude or may have lack of communication with others. Spoiling overall can cause a lot of negative effects from your childhood to the present day.

Another example is when some teenagers risk their health on drugs and alcohol. Teenagers now a days love to party and like to feel fit in with the rest. However, drugs and alcohol are the most common talked about subject in the teenage years. When a teen decides to take the decision and decide to take drugs, they are risking their overall health. Smoking can lead to lung cancer or even death. Alcohol can also lead to dangers in your body and death as well. This could change your behavior if you get addicted to it or your appearance. Smoking can also cause some deep wrinkles that could grow all over the face. The decision of taking drugs or consuming alcohol can affect your health and impact you for life.

Finally, your education can take a major part in your present and future. The amount of effort you put in your education defines what type of career you could have. Too little education can lead you to jobs such as Construction, Fast-Food employee etc. On the opposite side, with many years of school, you could get careers such as Doctor, Lawyer, Scientists, etc. Education is really important for your future. This is why it is important to take the time to start school at a young age for some good knowledge and become successful in life with a great career.

Your choices, your actions and your words can all affect your present and future. Anything from the past can come with you when walking on your way to the present. It is always important to be cautious of your actions and choices that you make. It will later impact you later on in life.;_ylt=A0LEVjax_LZZR1QAhiYnnIlQ?p=spoiling+children+negative+effects&fr=yhs-mozilla-002&fr2=piv-web&hspart=mozilla&hsimp=yhs-002#id=8&


  1. Do you *think* the past affects the present.... or does the past affect the present?

    In your post you mentioned that education can either open doors of opportunity for you or limit you, and I completely agree. However, I don't think that construction workers or fast food workers are necessarily uneducated. For example, if anyone ever told me I had to construct a building with functioning plumbing and safe electrical systems.... we'd all be hurting. Or what if the world had no trash collectors and only a ton of doctors?

    How can we convey the message that education is important for everyone without tying it to specific job outcomes? What are the effects of receiving an education that might touch everyone?

  2. In your post you said "Spoiling overall can cause a lot of negative effects from your childhood to the present day"; but I also believe that not giving into your child could also cause negative effects on their life as well. If we always said no to our kids they would start to resent and distance themselves from us. I agree that over spoiling our kids can make them too dependent on us, but do believe that they should be completely independent and decide what is best for themselves?

    1. I definitely agree with you Danielle. It is okay to spoil your kids a little bit, but not too much like most people do now a days. They have the choice of deciding what's best for themselves. It just depends on them and their parents.


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