Feminism in Politics

During the years of the 1930s, America's economy suddenly crashed down and millions were left without food, job, or shelter. This time period was known as the Great Depression. But then during the election of 1932, Franklin D. Roosevelt gets elected. He was a disabled man but yet despite his disability to walk, he helped America flourish with their economy once again. Not only did he do that, but he also believed on the rights for women. Feminism, the belief that women and men should have equal rights and opportunities, started taking place inside of Roosevelt's government. Franklin D. Roosevelt is known as the very first president to ever appoint the first female cabinet member to serve on his cabinet. 

Image result for fdr and frances perkins
Image result for wpa actIn this time era, females were not seen as important for many and males were more dominant. But then during the election of Roosevelt, this idea started to change. He appoints on having one female being part of his cabinet. Frances Perkins was chosen by Roosevelt to be part of his cabinet. Her job was to be his labor secretary and was known as his chief architect of the New Deal. Frances believed that she could change of feminism in the government. She was the one who helped Roosevelt with work relief programs which led to the creation of the WPA Act of 1935. This created new jobs for many such as the creation of the Hoover Dam and Mt. Rushmore. Many did not believe in her however. The American Federation of Labor and the Committee for Industrial Organization did not support Perkins. They didn't believe that she was capable enough to be part of Roosevelt's government. When she moved out of Washington, she then taught labor and the history of the New Deal for the rest of her life at Cornell University (New York). Being part of Roosevelt's cabinet, she was shown as a big remodel for those women who don't receive the same rights as men.

Image result for eleanor rooseveltAnother figure in the government was the first lady, Eleanor Roosevelt. Eleanor was one of the first, first lady to ever appear in public with the president of the United States. Presidents before Theodore Roosevelt did not seem to show their first lady ever in public but Roosevelt did. Eleanor Roosevelt was a strong believer in civil rights for women in the United States. She was one of those known who supported the Woman's Suffrage campaign. Eleanor was head of the Women's Division of the Democratic National Committee. Overall, she was busy most of her time and promoted many programs and movements for women civil rights. A big change for society in the U.S. 

Franklin D. Roosevelt was a big believer and activist and promoted this during his years of presidency. His administration represented a change in the presidential model with a diverse cabinet and the image of his first lady. He never gave up on trying to cause a good, major change in the United States. Despite his disability, he proved many wrong and fought for everyone's rights (mostly women). 

Hatmaker's Notes (Unit 7.03)


  1. hey Giselle i read your blog and i really liked it. i agree with what you said that FDR changed a lot of thing is american economy during the great depression but why do you think people were able to trust FDR with the economy or in other words why they wanted FDR to be the president?


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