A New Change in Warfare

Technology has advanced drastically throughout the years of the Great Wars. New strategies such as trenches, chemical gas, machine guns, and other ways of warfare took a major role during WWI and WWII. This however, has changed the whole idea on how each nation should face on another. With nuclear bombs created by the end of WWII, America has been seen as one of the countries to have the most advanced warfare technology along with Russia.
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One of the most talked about during this era were the Atomic Bombs. In WWII, the United States were fighting against the Japanese. War was going on between these two countries because the Japanese attacked one of the most powerful naval forces of the U.S. in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The Japanese refused to surrender but then later on crucially got attacked. President Harry S. Truman, then declared to drop an atomic bomb in Hiroshima, Japan. This created fear from the Japanese and with a second bomb dropped in Nagasaki, Japan days later. With this new advancement, America started to feel more powerful, smarter, and stronger than any other country around the world. This let other countries know that they "Can't mess with the United States". 

Image result for hydrogen bomb vs atomic bomb differenceWith these atomic bombs created, a lot of countries started to fear America. However, the Soviet Union believed that they could catch up to the U.S and also be able to create nuclear weapons. During the Cold War, there was an Arms Race, where both the U.S.S.R. and the U.S. both competed against each other to see who had the best nuclear weapons. In 1949, the Soviet Union developed their first ever nuclear weapon. And then by the year of 1953, both the United States and the Soviet Union created hydrogen bombs. Hydrogen Bombs were seen as more destructive than the ones that the U.S. used during WWII. 

Atomic Bombs have changed throughout time. Specifically, scientists focus on how powerful a bomb should be in case a war would break out. In the beginning of using bombs during the Great Wars, the atomic bomb was popularly used. Then, it started to get upgraded and created new bombs called Hydrogen Bombs. When the United States dropped their first atomic bomb in Hiroshima, it killed nearly 70,000 people and caused a big exposure of radiation. However, Hydrogen Bombs were then created to kill even more people than the atomic bombs did. They of course are made up of hydrogen which could be dangerous for human beings. Right now in present day, countries like North Korea have already tested their own hydrogen bomb. These bombs could have a heat of about 6,300 times hotter than the sun's surface, and strong waves of radioactivity could damage the environment and lives of human beings. Overall, Hydrogen Bombs are essentially the most dangerous nuclear weapons created and could destroy all human beings.

Hatmaker's Unit 8.03 Notes
Hatmaker's Unit 9.04 Notes   https://www.google.com/search?q=nuclear+warfare&safe=strict&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X


  1. Yes, atomic bombs were very important during World War Two and the Cold War. I totally agree that nowadays bombs are more dangerous and could end the human race. But I have to ask what would you do if a bomb was sent to U.S or the U.S was to go to war? and what are your outlook on the advancement of bombs and nuclear warfare? and how do you think the people who have to drop these atomic bombs feel about releasing these bombs and killing innocent lives?

    1. Thank You for your comment. :) If an atomic bomb was to be dropped in the U.S. or if we go into war I would honestly choose between two things... Go to Mexico with my family or just pray and die together as a family since there's no way of escaping from a nuclear bomb. I believe that these new advancements on bomb and nuclear warfare is just scary to think about. With more research put in this, we're pretty much creating something that could mark the whole death of the human race around the world. I think we should just all have peace with each other and avoid any conflicts from happening. I honestly do think that people who dropped these bombs feel really upset and guilty for killing all these people. This is why one of the guys who dropped a bomb in Japan committed suicide because of all the guilt he felt for doing such a horrific thing.


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